April 18 - 22, 2012
This year I planned to head down early with Dennis Udink (Price) to the Goblin Valley area for our annual Spring GeoCache Event. I left Tuesday morning about 10:30 am and arrived in Price about 12:30 pm. Went to
Smith's, grabbed some food and filled up with gas.
Dennis filling up at Smith's in Price |
Dennis' trailer |
My trailer |
Camp |
Hooked up with Dennis and headed to Goblin. We set up camp (not the place we wanted) at the BLM Campsite. We set up on west side of the campground.
We decided to go grab a cache that had been input into
geocaching.com wrong. Dennis kind of knew where to look after talking to the owner. It was 11 miles west on Temple Mountain Rd. We found the cache, a FTF and then came back to camp for dinner and turned in for the night. It was very windy, rainy and did I say windy!!!
Taking pictures on the way back to camp |
Man's best friend |
Wednesday, I drove to Green River because my oil light came on on the
ATV. Grabbed oil and can (to put dirty oil in). I decided to drive down to Hanksville because I had never been there before and I wanted to see how big the town really was. I was disappointed. Not much to see. I did take pictures at a scenic place just north of town. The stream by town was called the Dirty Devil River. Pretty funny. The rocks were a cool formation. I also found a cache close by.
Across the road (east) from the scenic area |
Henry mountains in background |
I headed back to camp about noon and changed the oil. I found out that my battery is having a hard time starting my machine. I will have to replace it when I get back home. After changing the oil Dennis and I headed across the road on the north side to look at rock art. Dennis found a rattler again in same spot as he did two yrs ago. Kinda
spooked him. We still explored area. I had dinner and relaxed while
Dennis went on a hike up Iron wash. Had another dust storm go through
camp, worse than Tuesday's. It was bad!
Thursday we left camp about 8:30 am and headed east down Temple wash to
highway 24. Headed south half a mile to turn off and then east several
miles till we found road going north. This trail was about 8 - 10 miles and extremely bumpy. The trail took us to Rattlesnake Ridge. We took a few pictures and found
where people in the early 19th century had etched on the rock and then
headed north
to Cottonwood Wash (25 miles). Another very, very bumpy trail.
Rattlesnake Ridge from south side |
Dennis taking pics of etching |
Rattlesnake Ridge from north side |
Etching on Rattlesnake Ridge |
Dennis heading south in Cottonwood Wash |
Dennis in Cottonwood Wash |
Crow's Nest |
East wash at Crow's nest |
Dennis walking around rim |
Etched snake at Crow's Wash entrance |
Rock formation in east wash |
Dennis looking for rock art |
We went down into wash and over to the Crow's Nest (heading west about 4
miles?). We were looking for some rock art that Dennis was told about.
There are three washes at the head and we took the east one all the way
to the end (about 1/4 mile). We found a really neat rock formation where
the water had cut out a bolder right in the middle. It was cool. Dennis
decided to explore the other two washes from the south and headed
north. I went back down the east wash and was almost to the entrance
when I spotted rock art on the east side. Climbing up to the art, I
found several places where snakes had been etched into the rock. Pretty
cool. Dennis came and took lots of pictures of the art.
Crow's Nest tree |
Cottonwood Wash looking north |
We then headed back to Cottonwood Wash and up on top then headed south
along the ridge paralleling the wash. We went across highway 24 to Old
Woman wash and then took the trail along the foothills. We headed south
to Temple Mountain rd, then west
back to camp. This trip took us about 7 1/2 to 8 hrs. Lots of riding and
hiking, I'm pooped. Four more trailers showed up, Jan & Ken, Terry
& Karen, Michael & Debbie, Steve & Leslie, and some of
Terry's friends with 4x4's. It was another long day but less wind!
Dennis by the old shack |
Friday - Ray came in late Thursday. I gave her wrong directions and she
got lost but made it about 11:30 pm. Today Dennis took Ray and I out on a
trail ride through the slot canyon of temple wash. Ray hadn't ridden an
ATV so Dennis let her use Traci's machine which is like mine with thumb
shifting. She did really good. Dennis found some new rock art (he'd been
up the wash a dozen times and never seen the paintings). We got back
and a little while later Traci and the boys showed up. We took it easy
the rest of the day. That night, Dennis and I took night pictures of him
twirling steel wool out on the road. Pretty cool.
Temple Mountain from the old shack on the north side |
Raylene and Dennis looking at rock art (red paintings between them) |
Dennis twirling steel wool (my favorite) |
Dennis on Temple Mountain Rd twirling steel wool |
Saturday I hiked with the group up wild horse
canyon. It was 5 miles although Dennis told us it was 3.5. I petered out
so many times and brought up the rear all the time. I couldn't believe
how hot it was. It was in the mid 80's. At the west entrance we had
taken a few cars and left them there so we didn't half to walk back
down. Good thing cuz I only made it 4 miles before I hit the wall and could not walk anymore. Ken and
Jan came back to get Ray & I. Ray had to carry my backpack cuz I was
dead tired. The wash is relatively flat although you do climb 110' in
elevation and the sand is twice as tough to walk in.
Taking a break in the shade |
Torry needed a break |
Jan heading up Wild Horse Wash |
That evening we had our potluck dinner and then Chris
exploded both corn and fruit cocktail in the fire. They were both kind
of duds. The corns top blew leaving the can in the fire pit. Also, while we
had gone hiking someone (Jeremy) had taken off Chris's back tire on his
car and blocked it up on rocks. They hid the tire in a night cache. Chris was calmer than I would have been.
Taking a break |
Potluck dinner |
Potluck dinner |
Only a 3-wheel drive vehicle now! |
Sunday, we packed up and headed home. It was a great weekend and I'm glad I got to spend it with the wife and friends.
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